Yet, we do it. Why?
Because we have to.
One of the recurring issues that happens so often in the dating world (and I also committed this dating crime) is that people simply don't let go of the past. We don't always see moving on as a "good" thing. When we walk away from something or someone, we must realize that feeling a loss is inevitable. We are "losing something", but if we are choosing to let it go, then we must trust our choices.
We need to realize that maybe, just maybe, some "losses" are actually just barriers to happiness being removed from our lives.
When loneliness kicks in, our brains trick us. They make us second-guess our choices that were once "set-in-stone". We start thinking that perhaps we made a mistake. Perhaps that person or situation which seems so terrible really wasn't so terrible after all.
This, my friends, is where logical thinking must come into play. Ask yourself some tough questions, and be honest with yourself.
- Did this person or situation make me feel happier when I was experiencing them/it? Or did they/it make me feel unhappy or drained most of the time?
- Did I make the choice to leave that person/place logically? After putting much thought into it?
If the answers to these questions are "yes", then trust yourself because it seems like you made the right choice. Don't let those feelings of loneliness make you change your mind. Don't settle for less than you deserve just to have something....wait for the right thing.
Something magical happens when we allow ourselves to heal....
...we emerge even brighter. We have changed. We have softened or hardened in some places that will continue adding to our character. We have grown and changed and learned and we have risen above the loneliness. We have learned to love ourselves and embrace the loneliness and changes because it only means that a) we are comfortable being alone with ourselves and we accept that change is inevitable and b) we have made room for the right person or situation to enter our lives.
When we let go of something that is causing unhappiness, we allow more love and happiness to enter our lives. When we have something causing us unhappiness blocking our heart, it hinders us. It is a barrier. Sure, we may not be alone--but what's worse than not having someone/something? Having someone or something and still feeling completely and utterly alone.
Wait for the people and situations who reflect love and joy back to you. Don't feel guilty from walking away from toxic people or things. Let your heart shine and make room for happiness.
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