Tuesday, February 25, 2014


How do we use the power of association to guide us through life?

Words are very powerful and can change our mindset completely. When you were a child, did you hear your loved ones calling themselves "fat"? Did you hear others making fun of someone for being "overweight"? Do you think you would associate certain sizes or numbers on the scale with "fat" had you not heard those things as a child? Did you hear a woman who had multiple sexual partners being called a "slut"?

Imagine growing up in a world where people referred to others who looked differently as "beautiful". Imagine your mother, your sister, your aunt, or your childhood best friend loving themselves exactly as they were, and letting that feeling radiate through them so the heat of their self-love made you feel self-love, too. Imagine people using their love to guide and help others instead of judging them for their choices.

I used to label myself, my friends. I used to think that my "bad" choices made me "damaged". I listened to what the views of others were. I felt guilty because of the associations that I made and that other people made about my EXPERIENCES (I choose not to say "mistakes"-we need to understand we are human and will have many "experiences" that will guide us). When I realized that it was time to forgive myself and realize that my choices did NOT define me-I felt a freedom that I had not felt in years. I did not have to label myself as a "damaged" person because of the associations I had in my mind with my choices. I had the freedom to be whoever I wanted to be. I had the freedom to learn from my experiences, and just be ME. No labels. No associations. Just me.

Let's change our associations. Let's replace those automatic negative thought processes with positive ones. Rather than pulling the skin on your gorgeous wide hips, or shapely stomach, or strong arms and saying it is "fat", say at least ONE POSITIVE quality about that body part. Instead of saying your wild hair is frizzy and awful, think of how beautiful and free and untamed it looks! Feel that freedom throughout your day!

Change your thoughts. Change your thought process. Good things will follow. We want our future children to have a positive body image of themselves and others. We want our loved ones to realize that we are only human. Our experiences (positive or negative) do not have to define the rest of our lives. You are YOU. That is all you have to be. You are not damaged. You are not broken. You are free to be the beautiful you that you are HERE on this earth to be.

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